AKASA Coconut Milk (Santan Kelapa) 200ml
exp date: 31/03/2021
AKASA Coconut Milk is a creamy white emulsion extracted from the matured coconut fruit. It is a high dietary fiber with fine coconut bits, packed in aluminum laminated pouch.
👉High In Dietary Fiber / Tinggi Dalam Serat Diet
👉Cholesterol Free Food / Makanan Bebas Kolesterol
👉No Preservative / Tanpa Bahan Pengawet
👉Trans Fat Free / Bebas Lemak Trans
Recommended Usage:
Suitable for Curries, Rendang, Nasi Lemak, Cendol, Kaya, Jam, dessert, pastries, beverages etc. / Sesuai untuk Kari, Rendang, Nasi Lemak, Cendol, Kaya, Jem, manisan, kuih-muih, minuman dan lain-lain.
• Refrigerate after opening and use within 3 days.
• Keep product in a cool and dry place, away from strong odors and direct sunlight.
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